You Can’t Fool Your Brain

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Your brain is designed to work hard but it needs glucose, oxygen, water, nutrients, stimulus, and rest. Ignore any of these and problem-solving aptitude, creativity, memory, empathy, and decision-making ability can decrease. Even just a 2% drop in hydration decreases your...

You Shouldn’t Be Better Yet

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4 of 4 on your changeable brain: Most of us want to skip the learning curve. We want to be good at a new skill like we are good at our current skills. This is a normal feeling. After all, it is discouraging to try to learn something and feel incompetent. However, when facing a...

What building block are you missing

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3 of 4 on your changeable brain…Ever wondered why you are not gaining a skill and it just seems overwhelming or impossible to learn? You are not alone, and fortunately there is a clear path forward. Here is an idea to help you rewire your brain: In the 1960s, researchers were...

Different Learning Speeds, Same Learning

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2 of 4 on your brain…Have you ever felt something is wrong with you because you have not learned something as fast as you think you should. Consider this: “The time it takes for your brain to make a new pathway does not predict whether you will master a task in the long...

Changeable Brain 1/4: Focus + Repetition = Change

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Part 1 of 4 on your changeable brain–As you consider facing challenges and making changes in the new year, let’s start with some brain science from our new book: “If you ignore the billions of neural connections that must be navigated, the brain is remarkably...

Urgently Pursue Clarity

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I continually hear from people in organizations that they wish their mgt team was more clear about direction. This is an issue at all levels. Many managers think they have done it, while others think they shouldn’t have to be bothered. Last week as Rick Newman of Salesforce and I...

Stop calling it “Office Politics” and deal with the behavior

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As I coach leaders, many share the challenges of office “politics.” It’s a challenge across companies and levels. However, calling the actions of players “politics” ignores the real issues. It creates a mass unknown hovering above you that you have no...

Publisher Accepts: Pit of Success Manuscript

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Great news. The publisher has accepted “The Pit of Success: How Leaders Adapt, Succeed, and Repeat” and it comes out next year. Thank you all for your stories of embracing the pit of success and learning to lead in new ways. In doing the research for the book, one...

The Million Dollar Feedback Formula

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As I work with leaders across companies and countries, leader continue to ask for tips to help their people accept more feedback. And, although there are great tools for giving feedback, I believe the secret to giving feedback starts with the leader mastering the ability to...

Is your culture a competitive advantage?

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Your culture is your ultimate “uncopyable” competitive advantage. But, is your culture providing you with the advantage you need? In the January February issue of HBR, Sigal Barsade and Olivia A. O’Neill reported that cultures that create “positive emotions are consistently...