Career Scalability Repair: Are you tied to the wrong star?

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This week a manager asked me what she should do because the sponsors she tied her career to were no longer in the limelight. They had been movers and shakers but they had lost favor and the newer managers were now the darlings. (Oh the pain!)

This common problem happens for many reasons—bad luck, early retirements, leadership changes, changes of philosophy, bad choices of who to follow, and sometimes it is just timing.

Being a scalable leader is not just about finding a star and hanging on. It is about being intentional of your broader network and the strength and diversity of your relationships.

Here is another example: One talented executive I coached accepted the head position over a large foreign subsidiary. While he was gaining great global experience, his key sponsor decided to retire early (very selfish–don’t you think). My client was trying to make his reentry into the US headquarters but he was having trouble getting noticed (international assignments can be a two edged sword).

We had to find ways for him to connect from a distance (finding key meetings to attend, leveraging his sponsor’s network, and finding a way to get his results known more broadly).

Whether your sponsor retires or simply fell out of favor, here are few ideas to help you rebuild your network.

  • Leverage your existing network to bridge introductions
  • Get on projects with the key players
  • Reach out to the new stars and understand their vision and priorities
  • Find ways to add value (a related report, the word on the street, a key connection, or an idea to help their vision)
  • Be patient. It takes time.

Bottom line–We don’t do business with strangers. Start rebuilding. Talk with people who are strategic, not convenient.


About the Author
Dave Jennings accelerates meaningful change. He has worked with leaders from 20 of the Fortune 500 and spoken in 23 countries. His articles and commentary have been featured in The Washington Post, Forbes, and He is author of Catapulted: How Great Leaders Succeed Beyond their Experience. Contact Dave at